Smart Goals for SEO

Use SMART goals for SEO in 2023 to Achieve Success


Understanding how to set SMART goals for SEO will increase your chances of success for your digital marketing strategy, you can witness increased website visibility and organic traffic by applying your efforts to your SEO campaigns and setting SMART goals.

In this article, we will explore the building blocks for setting SMART SEO goals and objectives and provide trustworthy steps, strategies, and tools to help you achieve measurable results.


How To Get Started With SMART SEO Goals

To ensure clarity and focus, it's important to set specific goals for your SEO efforts. Instead of aiming for general improvements; identify specific areas where you want to see progress. An example of an SEO SMART goal is targeting a particular keyword, or optimizing website speed; that leads to increased visibility and traffic engagement, yielding measurable results.

It's crucial to establish ways to measure the progress of your SMART Goals for SEO. Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights to track organic traffic, conversion rates, or bounce rates. By regularly monitoring these metrics, you'll gain valuable insights into whether your strategies are yielding positive results.

Success in setting SEO goals for 2023 and beyond requires you to set smart, achievable goals and work hard toward these using reliable metrics to track your progress. All the while being flexible in your approach to ensure you adapt your Digital Marketing Content to maximize traffic and sales.




Setting SEO Goals and Objectives


SEO doesn’t lend itself to instant gratification. Smart, sustainable SEO strategies take time to implement and start producing results. Think marathon instead of sprint. Small building blocks feed into Google with each keyword used in targeted SEO, identifying and increasing your digital presence. You will immediately begin to see incremental improvements early in your campaign, but real progress happens over time.

Setting realistic expectations around your 'SMART Goals for SEO' objectives will help your team and your stakeholders remain patient while tracking cumulative gains and rewards.

SMART Goals for SEO

Goals are essential for anything you want to work towards. How can you ever hit the mark without a target? Goals should push you forward, but they should also be achievable and measurable. SMART Goals for SEO does all of this and much more.

Using SMART goals for SEO will help you set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals that ensure you get the best possible results from your SEO resources.

Regularly reviewing progress and tweaking your goal accordingly will ensure you identify and focus on the areas where you can get the best possible results.

Even 'failures' can be useful input into your goal setting, if something is not working, then you can either switch up your tactics or try something new. This kind of strategic input and tactical pivot is key to remaining relevant and driving your online presence.

You can use SMART goals to measure your SEO agency’s performance or to guide your internal team.

The purpose of SMART goals is to create specific, realistic, achievable and measurable goals linked to your Digital Marketing Strategy and Content.

SMART in SMART goals stands for:

Specific – your goal must be clearly defined - what do you want to achieve with your SEO?

Measurable – it should be easy to track progress - how will you know if your SEO is working?

Achievable – the goal should be realistic - a 'big one' in SEO goal setting!

Relevant – the SEO goal should be linked to your marketing and business goals.

Time Bound – progress should be trackable over time increments.

SMART goals also provide a kind of 'sanity check' – is this a sensible goal or am I just chasing my (long)tail?

Let’s break each of these down to help you with setting goals and objectives and exploring some SEO SMART goals examples.


What are SMART goals for SEO?

S) Specific

A specific goal for SEO would be determined by your primary SEO objective, i.e. what do you want to achieve with SEO - Increased sales through visibility and traffic engagement.

As an example, let us say you are a small van hire company in a local county. A specific goal would be to rank higher in Google using keyword optimization when people search for “van hire your local county”. You are looking to rank for this in the local listings and the organic results.

Once a specific goal is set applying numerous metrics to a particular keyword or landing page can be used to measure the impact of your SEO input or content marketing.

  • Rankings
  • Organic Clicks (search console)
  • Organic Impressions (search console)

You could keep this simple or you could add more detail here and have a number of specific metrics under this goal. Rankings, organic impressions, organic clicks, etc.

M) Measurable

How will I know if I am ranking higher with keyword optimization, for example? You now need to ensure your goal is measurable. Things to consider here are:

  • Where am I now?
  • Where do I want to be?

The specific metrics you look at here would depend on the keyword to some extent: is it a local keyword? Is it a national keyword? Do you need to rank for a term like “plumber near me”?

For local businesses, you really should look at tracking results over your geographic catchment area using a local ranking grid or similar tool.

To ensure the success of national businesses, it is recommended to check national rankings (but also consider checking the same keyword in different cities if they are important).

I would also consider clicks on the page, search console average position, search console clicks, etc.

Specify metrics that will allow you to measure your progress towards your SEO goals.

A) Achievable

Achievability – this is a really important aspect of setting SEO goals.

It is very easy to set unrealistic and unachievable SEO goals – and be under no illusion, many people fail in their digital strategies due to setting unrealistic and unachievable goals.

It is crucial to creating aggressive, yet obtainable goals.

  • I want to rank for “online marketplace”, in all countries, by tomorrow – not achievable
  • I want to rank for “plumber” across all of London by end of the month – likely tough
  • I want to rank for “plumber” in a small borough of London in three months – ok

To make sure you spend your time working on things that will make a difference, it is important to check whether your goal is achievable.

R) Relevant

A relevant SEO goal is one that feeds into your higher-order goals.

  • Rank for keyword
  • Generate more traffic
  • Get more leads
  • Close more deals
  • Grow your business

This may seem simple but ensuring you are chasing SEO goals that connect to your marketing and business goals is crucial. This ensures your precious time and money is spent on activities that will drive your business forward.

T) Time-Bound

This is another crucial step to ensure that you are making progress toward your goal and not wasting time. Of course, you should have weeded out any non-specific, non-measurable, unachievable, and irrelevant goals by now, but SEO is difficult to predict and is an ever-moving target. Small Time-Bound milestones are measurable and allow you to track a trend in your traffic and adjust your content accordingly.

We would typically suggest that you track your metrics and measure progress weekly and monthly. What you are looking for is an overall trend toward your desired endpoint.


What is an example of a SMART goal for SEO?


Let’s say your Specific goal is to rank for the keyword “van hire ” in the top 3 results for the local pack and organic.

You started in position 47 organic and no local. This is Measurable (Where am I now? Where do I want to be?)

Each week you want to see steady progress toward your goal at a rate indicating you are on track.

We can do the simple calculation here and be specific with our measurements. You currently rank 47th – you want to be 1st – so we need to move forward, on average, 4 spots per week which is Achievable with good keyword optimization.

Ranking higher is directly Relevant to your digital marketing and business strategy - Rank for keyword, Generate more traffic, Get more leads, Close more deals, Grow your business.


SMART Goals as a Feedback Loop


You have given yourself 3 months to achieve this goal, making it Time-Bound.

Another powerful feature of SMART goals for SEO is how they provide a feedback loop.

Are the SEO tactics we are using working? If not what else can we try?

  • Are we moving fast enough?
  • Do we need more resources?
  • Is this moving well and we can move effort elsewhere?
  • Is this just not moving? Should we review how achievable this really is?

We are all limited by our resources and using SMART goals as a feedback loop for your SEO tactics ensures we can focus our efforts where they will provide the best possible returns.

If you are not making progress towards your goals, reviewing your SEO goals from a SMART point of view would be useful.


Be Realistic AND Swing Big


While it’s essential to be realistic when setting your SEO goals, you also want to have some stretch goals. If you set the bar too low, you’ll hit your easily attainable goals and see some results from your efforts with your enthusiasm and positivity dwindling over time. But, you could set effective objectives that push you to go a bit beyond your comfort zone, get creative, and make the most out of your SEO campaign, starting with being SMART!

For further reading on this subject, you can read SMART Goals - How to Make Your Goals Achievable or visit How to Set Marketing Goals.



Understanding how to set SMART goals for SEO will increase your chances of success for your digital marketing strategy, you can witness increased website visibility and organic traffic by applying your efforts to your SEO campaigns and setting SMART goals.

In this article, we will explore the building blocks for setting SMART SEO goals and objectives and provide trustworthy steps, strategies, and tools to help you achieve measurable results.


How To Get Started With SMART SEO Goals

To ensure clarity and focus, it's important to set specific goals for your SEO efforts. Instead of aiming for general improvements; identify specific areas where you want to see progress. An example of an SEO SMART goal is targeting a particular keyword, or optimizing website speed; that leads to increased visibility and traffic engagement, yielding measurable results.

It's crucial to establish ways to measure the progress of your SMART Goals for SEO. Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights to track organic traffic, conversion rates, or bounce rates. By regularly monitoring these metrics, you'll gain valuable insights into whether your strategies are yielding positive results.

Success in setting SEO goals for 2023 and beyond requires you to set smart, achievable goals and work hard toward these using reliable metrics to track your progress. All the while being flexible in your approach to ensure you adapt your Digital Marketing Content to maximize traffic and sales.




Setting SEO Goals and Objectives


SEO doesn’t lend itself to instant gratification. Smart, sustainable SEO strategies take time to implement and start producing results. Think marathon instead of sprint. Small building blocks feed into Google with each keyword used in targeted SEO, identifying and increasing your digital presence. You will immediately begin to see incremental improvements early in your campaign, but real progress happens over time.

Setting realistic expectations around your 'SMART Goals for SEO' objectives will help your team and your stakeholders remain patient while tracking cumulative gains and rewards.

SMART Goals for SEO

Goals are essential for anything you want to work towards. How can you ever hit the mark without a target? Goals should push you forward, but they should also be achievable and measurable. SMART Goals for SEO does all of this and much more.

Using SMART goals for SEO will help you set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals that ensure you get the best possible results from your SEO resources.

Regularly reviewing progress and tweaking your goal accordingly will ensure you identify and focus on the areas where you can get the best possible results.

Even 'failures' can be useful input into your goal setting, if something is not working, then you can either switch up your tactics or try something new. This kind of strategic input and tactical pivot is key to remaining relevant and driving your online presence.

You can use SMART goals to measure your SEO agency’s performance or to guide your internal team.

The purpose of SMART goals is to create specific, realistic, achievable and measurable goals linked to your Digital Marketing Strategy and Content.

SMART in SMART goals stands for:

Specific – your goal must be clearly defined - what do you want to achieve with your SEO?

Measurable – it should be easy to track progress - how will you know if your SEO is working?

Achievable – the goal should be realistic - a 'big one' in SEO goal setting!

Relevant – the SEO goal should be linked to your marketing and business goals.

Time Bound – progress should be trackable over time increments.

SMART goals also provide a kind of 'sanity check' – is this a sensible goal or am I just chasing my (long)tail?

Let’s break each of these down to help you with setting goals and objectives and exploring some SEO SMART goals examples.


What are SMART goals for SEO?

S) Specific

A specific goal for SEO would be determined by your primary SEO objective, i.e. what do you want to achieve with SEO - Increased sales through visibility and traffic engagement.

As an example, let us say you are a small van hire company in a local county. A specific goal would be to rank higher in Google using keyword optimization when people search for “van hire your local county”. You are looking to rank for this in the local listings and the organic results.

Once a specific goal is set applying numerous metrics to a particular keyword or landing page can be used to measure the impact of your SEO input or content marketing.

  • Rankings
  • Organic Clicks (search console)
  • Organic Impressions (search console)

You could keep this simple or you could add more detail here and have a number of specific metrics under this goal. Rankings, organic impressions, organic clicks, etc.

M) Measurable

How will I know if I am ranking higher with keyword optimization, for example? You now need to ensure your goal is measurable. Things to consider here are:

  • Where am I now?
  • Where do I want to be?

The specific metrics you look at here would depend on the keyword to some extent: is it a local keyword? Is it a national keyword? Do you need to rank for a term like “plumber near me”?

For local businesses, you really should look at tracking results over your geographic catchment area using a local ranking grid or similar tool.

To ensure the success of national businesses, it is recommended to check national rankings (but also consider checking the same keyword in different cities if they are important).

I would also consider clicks on the page, search console average position, search console clicks, etc.

Specify metrics that will allow you to measure your progress towards your SEO goals.

A) Achievable

Achievability – this is a really important aspect of setting SEO goals.

It is very easy to set unrealistic and unachievable SEO goals – and be under no illusion, many people fail in their digital strategies due to setting unrealistic and unachievable goals.

It is crucial to creating aggressive, yet obtainable goals.

  • I want to rank for “online marketplace”, in all countries, by tomorrow – not achievable
  • I want to rank for “plumber” across all of London by end of the month – likely tough
  • I want to rank for “plumber” in a small borough of London in three months – ok

To make sure you spend your time working on things that will make a difference, it is important to check whether your goal is achievable.

R) Relevant

A relevant SEO goal is one that feeds into your higher-order goals.

  • Rank for keyword
  • Generate more traffic
  • Get more leads
  • Close more deals
  • Grow your business

This may seem simple but ensuring you are chasing SEO goals that connect to your marketing and business goals is crucial. This ensures your precious time and money is spent on activities that will drive your business forward.

T) Time-Bound

This is another crucial step to ensure that you are making progress toward your goal and not wasting time. Of course, you should have weeded out any non-specific, non-measurable, unachievable, and irrelevant goals by now, but SEO is difficult to predict and is an ever-moving target. Small Time-Bound milestones are measurable and allow you to track a trend in your traffic and adjust your content accordingly.

We would typically suggest that you track your metrics and measure progress weekly and monthly. What you are looking for is an overall trend toward your desired endpoint.


What is an example of a SMART goal for SEO?


Let’s say your Specific goal is to rank for the keyword “van hire ” in the top 3 results for the local pack and organic.

You started in position 47 organic and no local. This is Measurable (Where am I now? Where do I want to be?)

Each week you want to see steady progress toward your goal at a rate indicating you are on track.

We can do the simple calculation here and be specific with our measurements. You currently rank 47th – you want to be 1st – so we need to move forward, on average, 4 spots per week which is Achievable with good keyword optimization.

Ranking higher is directly Relevant to your digital marketing and business strategy - Rank for keyword, Generate more traffic, Get more leads, Close more deals, Grow your business.


SMART Goals as a Feedback Loop


You have given yourself 3 months to achieve this goal, making it Time-Bound.

Another powerful feature of SMART goals for SEO is how they provide a feedback loop.

Are the SEO tactics we are using working? If not what else can we try?

  • Are we moving fast enough?
  • Do we need more resources?
  • Is this moving well and we can move effort elsewhere?
  • Is this just not moving? Should we review how achievable this really is?

We are all limited by our resources and using SMART goals as a feedback loop for your SEO tactics ensures we can focus our efforts where they will provide the best possible returns.

If you are not making progress towards your goals, reviewing your SEO goals from a SMART point of view would be useful.


Be Realistic AND Swing Big


While it’s essential to be realistic when setting your SEO goals, you also want to have some stretch goals. If you set the bar too low, you’ll hit your easily attainable goals and see some results from your efforts with your enthusiasm and positivity dwindling over time. But, you could set effective objectives that push you to go a bit beyond your comfort zone, get creative, and make the most out of your SEO campaign, starting with being SMART!

For further reading on this subject, you can read SMART Goals - How to Make Your Goals Achievable or visit How to Set Marketing Goals.



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